Workshop And FDP

A workshop seems to imply relatively more time spent interactively, perhaps in the facilitated activities, where the participants develop their goals and strategies at the end of the session. Workshops get the full involvement of the participants in the learning process, small and large group discussions, activities & exercises, and raise the opportunities for the students to apply the learned concepts. During the presentation of a workshop about some topics, we share the information with the attendees in an interactive format.

Our experts regularly conduct workshops directly on the premises of the Institutions, to create an effective opportunity for the participants to become aware of the current global technological advancements, through the direct interaction. We often conduct a compelling one-day workshop loaded with the practical ideas guaranteed to inspire teams to work together and achieve a definite and peak performance. We conduct faculty development programs (FDP) to exchange ideas about teaching & learning, and utilize them to meet the challenge of the students for personal and professional life. Through our events, resources and programs, we aim to enable the faculty to build relationships with others in the university community and discover new methods to strengthen professional and teaching capabilities.